About Us

We are social entrepreneurs who are change-makers committed to uplifting communities across Africa and the diaspora by using the arts to address the economic and social problems that are plaguing our communities. We are a for-profit corporation that is not only interested in the profit-making of our entertainers, stakeholders, and sponsors but in how our profits can improve lives and enrich communities by creating economic developments for our people, improving education, access to health care, and recreational opportunities for our youth to keep them off the streets, and away from drugs and crimes. 

We will use 30% or more of our profit from our events to fund programs that address the ills and disparities that are experienced by the poor and the marginalized in our societies. We will address these issues through our nonprofit sister organization Having P.U.R.P.O.S.E., Inc., and local organizations that share our vision and commitment to eliminating poverty, and to improving our environments.

How do we do this?

How do we do this?

Having PURPOSE Entertainment Incorporation through the promotion of music, the arts, and recreational activities will bring international entertainers to different countries to do concerts, festivals, and events in collaboration with local artists.

We partner with local venues and promoters to provide safe and uplifting events that are accessible to all for their enjoyment. The profits generated by the event in a country are used to do projects in that country with local NGOs or CBOs.


To work and build


Using the arts in all genres


Collaboration for impact

Extraordinary Experiences

Entertainers in all genres get the opportunity to become directly involved in a project working alongside the community to build or to plant, or if they have other skills that they want to share they can provide that education. They can be the capital investors in start-ups for local entrepreneurs giving youth, women, and girls the opportunity to start or scale their businesses. We put no limits on the ways in which they can give back to empower the communities that have been supporting them.

The proceeds raised will be used to build schools, youth centers, support the elderly, as well as refurbish rural and remote health centers, improve sanitation, fund other programs, and create the next generation of social entrepreneurs. 

We also want to partner with entertainers, their charitable foundations, and businesses to bridge financial gaps so that we can create economic projects that eliminate poverty in our communities. It is imperative that the blessed and highly favored be a blessing to others in tangible ways…. we help entertainers meet this objective.

Entertainers can also partner with us via our nonprofit agency Having P.U.R.P.O.S.E, Inc. so they can get a tax write off if they so desire. Having P.U.R.P.O.S.E, Inc. will also bring volunteers in to work alongside the entertainers to complete our projects. We understand if we collectively lift together the load will be lighter and we can go further. 

Corporate Partnerships

We partner with organizations within and outside of the country who want to meet their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by working on one of the projects and within a community that can best utilize their offerings and improve their brand awareness and marketing. You can work with us to tailor your sponsorship and partnership, we want to collaborate with you!!

We invite you to join us.

We are using the arts to empower the world!
